man turning wrench

At Super Shop Automotive in Merced, CA, transmission maintenance and repair is our specialty. Here’s some information on your transmission pump - what it does, and how to know if yours needs to be replaced.

If there’s one thing we know at Super Shop Automotive in Merced, CA, its the importance of a transmission. While engines get a lot of the spotlight in conversations about vehicles, we know that the transmission is the unsung hero of your automobile. We want you to know just how important it is, too.

family driving in car

If you're prepping to go on a road trip, you need to be sure that your vehicle is ready for the journey. An unmaintained vehicle could be the difference between a good trip and a trip that goes south really quickly. Here at Super Shop Automotive, we want to remind you of some things to do so you and your vehicle are ready for the road. 

1. Get a Pre-Trip Mechanical Inspection - Is it overkill to have a technician give your car a pre-trip once over? Not if it saves you from disaster on the road, and we'd rather be safe than sorry. Here at Super Shop Automotive, our mechanics should be able to identify any significant components that are on their last legs. Even if your car comes back with a clean bill of health, there's a lot of value in having that peace of mind.

At Super Shop Automotive in Merced, CA, we know that hearing you need a new transmission is a dreaded affair. Here’s some advice from the transmission experts on how to prevent that day from coming.

If your vehicle breaks down and you have to be towed make sure you are aware of proper steps to protect your vehicle's transmission. The vehicle’s configuration determines how it should be properly towed to avoid transmission damage. Specifically, it matters if your vehicle is front-wheel drive or rear-wheel drive and whether it’s an automatic or a manual. From the professionals at Super Shop Automotive in Merced, CA, here’s how to tow your vehicle:

transmissionPeople idle their vehicles for a variety of reasons - to warm it up on cool days and to keep it cool on warm days. But what does idling mean for your transmission? Super Shop Automotive in Merced, CA has the answers.

filling wiper fluid in car

True safety starts with being able to see where you are driving. Your lights and wipers play a major role in safe driving and the chance of an accident increases if you can't see or be seen. No matter what time of year, it's important to make sure your vehicle's lights and wipers are working properly so your visibility is not compromised and you can be seen by others. From the driver's seat, you may not notice a light that isn't working, but when a big rain comes it becomes easier to see what you are missing! When wet weather hits your roads is not the time for you to discover limited visibility problems. Here at Super Shop Automotive we take our Merced drivers' safety seriously and inspect their vehicles when they come in for service.

Classic Chevy belair

It makes sense that a car that is rarely driven will last longer, right? It may seem counterintuitive, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Vehicles are meant to be driven, and various issues can arise if they aren’t stored properly or driven fairly regularly. If you have a car, truck, or SUV that you only drive occasionally, in the summer, to car shows, etc., this one is for you. Here’s what you need to know, from Super Shop Automotive in Merced, CA.

  • Jasper Pref
  • 247towing
  • Acdelco
  • Ari Fleet
  • ASE
  • Bosch Automotive
  • Bully Dog
  • Cummins Diesel
  • Customer Savings
  • Duramax Diesel
  • Enterprise
  • Federated Car Care
  • Fleet Services
  • Ford Power Stroke Diesel
  • Hunter
  • iATN
  • Magnuson
  • MACS
  • Motorcraft Parts
  • Pet Friendly
  • Shuttle Service
  • Sinister Diesel
  • Tires
  • Wifi Available
  • Wright Fleet

Super Shop Automotive

1535 W 14th St
Merced, CA 95340
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location small (209) 726-0182
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Weekdays:   7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Weekends: CLOSED

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