Getting into the habit of saving on fuel now will mean you’ll be ready when prices start hitting the $4.00-gallon mark once again. You don’t have to buy a new, fuel-efficient car, either. No one wants to trade a fuel bill for a car payment, so take a look at our top 5 ways to save on fuel and you may just be able to pocket a little extra money at the end of the month.
Tires are often neglected, but easy to maintain. As long as they work, most people don’t really think about them. However, if you take care to properly maintain your vehicle and your tires, they will last much, much longer. At Super Shop Automotive in Merced, we see all too often the results of poor tire maintenance, and the result is expensive new tires. Here’s what you can do to make sure you don’t become part of that statistic.
While most fleet vehicles are chosen for their reliability, low maintenance, and durability, sometimes maintaining several of them at a time can become overwhelming. Just keeping up with the maintenance schedule alone is a task and then to ensure you keep your scheduled routes for those fleet vehicles is another task in itself. Let Super Shop Automotive in Merced put your mind at ease, with our fleet maintenance programs for any and all fleet vehicles. We will take the stress from your business fleet program and get your fleet trucks and fleet cars running at optimum performance with a routine that works for your business that often REDUCES costs!
Routine services are routine for a good reason. Schedule them with us here so we can be sure that your vehicle stays in the best shape. Here’s a look into what happens when routine services aren’t performed, from Super Shop Automotive in Merced, CA.
Fuel Systems are particularly important on diesel trucks, whether you drive a Ford, Chevrolet, or Dodge pickup. At Super Shop Automotive in Merced, fuel system maintenance and repair is a service we prioritize, since we know how essential a reliable fuel system is.
Fleet cars, vans, and trucks see a lot of wear and tear. If your engine has already called it a day, then it’s obviously case closed - you need a new engine or a new vehicle. However, there are many times when an engine is about to go down, and you can get it taken care of before it kicks the bucket for good - saving you time and towing in the process.
At Super Shop Automotive in Merced, we know there’s a lot of conflict on when you should maintenance certain things on your truck. We also know there are consequences to neglecting maintenance; the difference between a truck that breaks down all the time and a truck that has covered over a million miles virtually trouble free all boils down to maintenance.
Your pickup truck is heavy and hard working, whether it’s a Chevy, Ford, or Dodge. If you add towing to the mix, it’s even heavier and has to work harder. Your brakes are one of the most wear and tear prone systems on your diesel pickup, but at Super Shop Automotive in Merced, CA, we can help you keep yours in good shape.